
Carolina Horizontal Bandsaw – HV20 (Portland, OR)

Stock #:
Horizontal Bandsaw Manufacturer: Carolina Industrial Equipment Co. (South Carolina) Model: HV20 / Serial No.: HV20xxxxx Electrical: 115 Volt / 1 Phase / 60 Hz / FLA: 12.5 Power: 1 HP / 1725 RPM Features and Specifications: …Cutting Capacities: 13″ Wide x 8-1/2″ Tall …Blade Size: 1″ x .032″ x 115.5″ …Blade Speed (3): 55, 108, 153 FPM …Vise: Manual …Sawing Feed: Hydraulic, Variable ……Cylinder is non-functional, requires replacement …Rollers Not Included w/ Machine Machine Overall Dimensions (approx.): 81″ Long x 43″ Wide x 63″ Tall Machine Weight (estimated): 1,500 lbs. Specifications taken from 1st-hand inspection, owner interview, and OEM research. While specifications are assumed accurate, confirmation by purchasing entity is always recommended. Functionality Notes: Saw is in running order with exception of hydraulic downfeed; cylinder requires replacement. All other features in working order. Review videos for complete demonstration. Present owner is either 1st or 2nd owner; my shop contacts are unsure. Regardless, they have owned this saw for at least 6 years and ran with no problems. Has been used daily to cut raw material. Owner has disconnected and stored in warehouse to make room in shop. Video taken by MD Equipment previous to decommissioning. EQUIPMENT LOCATION: Portland, OR Metro Area Equipment is currently not under power; available for inspection. Buyer responsible for freight logistics and expenses. Seller agrees to load equipment on Buyer’s transportation. Contact MD Equipment Services LLC to schedule inspection, pickup, or purchase.